What is Chamber Cash?
Chamber Cash is almost like cash, but maybe even better! Chamber Cash can be purchased, given as a gift, and used to buy items or services at any of our Chamber Member stores or businesses. It can be used over and over again. You can even donate it to a local charity of your choice!
Where can I spend Chamber Cash?
You can spend Chamber Cash just like ‘real’ money at most of our Chamber Member stores or businesses, the full list is shown below. PLEASE CHECK WITH THE BUSINESS BEFORE MAKING YOUR PURCHASE!
I am a Chamber Member business and I have just received Chamber Cash for a purchase. What do I do with it now?
You can use Chamber Cash as cash (at many of our other Chamber Businesses) for purchase of items or services. If you would like to redeem them for ‘real’ money, please email to initiate the exchange.
Can I buy Chamber Cash?
Absolutely! Contact us in any of the following ways:
By email:
By phone: 250-354-9207 (Jeff)
In what denominations does Chamber Cash get issued?
Chamber Cash is issued in $20.00 units and carries our Kaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce corporate seal… THAT is our stamp of approval and how you can be assured you have ‘the real thing’!
Why should I buy Chamber Cash instead of using ‘real’ money?
Great question! When you buy Chamber Cash, the recipient may only spend it in the Kaslo Area. That means that you are supporting the local businesses and helping our local economy thrive! That drives availability of goods and services in our community and jobs!
Did you know that one seemingly small action on your part could have such a big impact?!

Kaslo and Area Chamber of Commerce 2023 Members… BETTER TOGETHER!